Medical Product Advertisement

Lade Veranstaltungen

Manufacturers of medical devices must observe numerous regulations when advertising their products. The seminar addresses medical device manufacturers, especially their marketing departments.

Content of the seminar

  • Purpose of the law on the advertising of medicinal products
  • Scope of the HWG
  • Applicability to medicinal products, medical devices, other agents, processes, treatments and articles
  • Sales promotion
  • Differentiation from image advertising
  • Public and professional advertising
  • Purpose and product liability
  • Art. 7 Regulation (EU) 2017/745
  • Misleading advertising
  • Advertising with expert opinions
  • Advertising gifts
  • Advertising outside the professional circles
  • Advertising by foreign companies
  • Special case „Internet“

Rules discussed

  • Drug Advertising Act (HWG)
  • Medical Devices Act (MPG)
  • Law against unfair competition (UWG)
  • Professional law of the medical professions
  • Interstate Broadcasting Treaty

About the event

Inhouse webinar for a limited group of people
Medical device manufacturer

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