
7 07.11.2019

costs of a rescue helicopter

Von |2019-11-07T13:45:30+01:0007/11/2019|Kategorien: Englische Fassung, pharmacy law, Rescue service law|Tags: , , , , |0 Kommentare

Do missions with a rescue helicopter have to be paid for? It is said to have happened in Ebensee in the Höllengebirge in the Salzkammergut (Austria): two German mountaineers asked for information from the mountain rescue team during their descent in the Alps and were sent a helicopter. But they didn't want to get in. Who is responsible and pays the costs for such missions? Helicopter rescue rejected According to press reports, the mountaineers dialed the emergency number to ask for [...]

21 21.05.2019

Legal framework for medical internships

Von |2019-10-27T00:29:52+02:0021/05/2019|Tags: , , , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Legal framework for medical internships

Legal framework for medical internships What is the legal framework for a medical internship like? What do teaching hospitals and practices have to consider when delegating medical services? What is permissible and what is not? Patient taxi, bed pushing and duplicating? The practical year is not just an internship. What about working hours, work safety, occupational medical examinations, insurance or a study visit abroad? Dr. Andreas Staufer will answer these and other questions in a one-hour lecture. Doctors cannot delegate their [...]

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